
This is the space that I am going to use to present my archive of work prior to 2000.

Going through old negatives I realized that I should digitize many of my old photographs. Many of the negatives were never printed, nor seen, and this is a chance to play catch up. From time to time I will lump a group into an online gallery.

This is not intended to be a retrospective of my best old photographs and I do not intend this to be an exercise in nostalgia. I am going to present the photographs that interest me and I hope that they give you enjoyment.



(Click on photographs to enlarge)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Perspectives of Intent

Here is a book that Satch and I put together a few years ago. It is composed of Satch's assemblages, many of which were shown in her solo exhibit "Metaphors and Dichotomies." The photographs were made in the early 2000's before I started working with plastic cameras.

Please check out the book. If you purchase a copy from Blurb I will include a printed photograph from the book at no extra charge. Just let me know that you bought the book and I'll get the print right out. Click on the Book Info link to go to blurb for additional information.

I suggest that you use the full screen option to view the book.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


Here is a photograph from 1994 made in Scotland. I think it was made in Lossiemouth. The pier went out into the North Sea.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Article from Current in Carmel, Nov. 17, 2009

(Click on article to enlarge)