
This is the space that I am going to use to present my archive of work prior to 2000.

Going through old negatives I realized that I should digitize many of my old photographs. Many of the negatives were never printed, nor seen, and this is a chance to play catch up. From time to time I will lump a group into an online gallery.

This is not intended to be a retrospective of my best old photographs and I do not intend this to be an exercise in nostalgia. I am going to present the photographs that interest me and I hope that they give you enjoyment.



(Click on photographs to enlarge)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Vulgar Boatmen Portraits

I'm going to post some photographs from a shoot that Satch and I did a long time ago (early 1990's) with The Vulgar Boatmen.  I'm going to try to find Satch's 35mm negatives - she had some great photographs.  (Click on the photo to enlarge)

Janas Hoyt