
This is the space that I am going to use to present my archive of work prior to 2000.

Going through old negatives I realized that I should digitize many of my old photographs. Many of the negatives were never printed, nor seen, and this is a chance to play catch up. From time to time I will lump a group into an online gallery.

This is not intended to be a retrospective of my best old photographs and I do not intend this to be an exercise in nostalgia. I am going to present the photographs that interest me and I hope that they give you enjoyment.



(Click on photographs to enlarge)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Turkey Run State Park

A few years ago I photographed with Andrew Johnston in Turkey Run State Park and the surrounding area around Rockville, Indiana. One of the photographs that Andrew made that day is now on exhibit at Dean Johnson Gallery. It is a singular tree with no leaves that was growing out of the rocky canyon floor.

I developed the negatives from that day but never printed any of them. I thought it would be interesting to see what that day of photography produced. Here's the first image, made with the 2 1/4" (as were all of the Turkey Run photographs). It is the above mentioned tree against the texture of the canyon wall. Soon I'll be posting more photographs from Turkey Run SP.